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WebSSON Documentation

Documentation for the WebSSON language


Comments are ignored by the parser. There are two kinds of comments: the line-comment and the multiline-comment.

Comments can be put nearly anywhere, including in a line-string.


The line comment starts with // and last until the end of the line.

//this is a line-comment


The multiline-comment starts with /* and ends with */. Multiline-comments may be put one into the other.

/* This multiline-comment
	/* contains another one within */

Within a line-string

Comments can be put within a line-string. They are only considered as a comment if at the start of it or preceded by at least one whitespace character.

As such, the line-string not//a comment, would be equivalent to "not//a comment", whereas is //a comment would be equivalent to "is".

Since a line-comment lasts until the end of the line, it ends a line-string.

Multiline-comments do not ever end a line-string, even if spread on multiple lines — the multiline-comment makes the parser ignore any newline within it that would’ve ended a line-string. Whitespace immediately following the end of a multiline-comment is ignored, up to a newline (so only whitespace on the same line as the */).

The following code…

: This is /* comment */ a line-string /* another
	comment */ interspersed with comments //last comment

…would be equivalent to "This is a line-string interspersed with comments".